Serving Maryland’s Eastern Shore and the Delmarva Peninsula

Greater Salisbury Committee -Serving as a catalyst to make our communites Better and Stronger

Serving as a Catalyst Since 1967 to Make the Salisbury Area Better and Stronger

Current Initiative:

Water & Sewer Task Force

The GSC Water and Sewer Task Force has been working and meeting regularly since 2022. Wicomico County has approximately 18,000 septic systems. The Wicomico County Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plan includes a map of “Sewer Problem Areas” which are areas with known failures and further potential for septic system failures. The GSC Task Force has been led by two GSC members with extensive experience in the water/sewer arena: Matt Drew initially, and Rob Duma currently. Also included on the task force are representatives from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Salisbury University, Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, Center for Watershed Protection, and local engineers and GSC members who are interested in this significant challenge. The efforts of the task force have been widely respected and helped the Wicomico County government to create a Wicomico Sanitary Commission, and resulted in funding from Wicomico County to begin the long challenge ahead to address our water/sewer needs.

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