What People Are Saying
“GSC… making a difference.”
Dave Ryan, Executive Director
Salisbury/Wicomico Economic Development
“The Greater Salisbury Committee’s membership were the visionaries behind the creation of the Community Foundation in 1984. The recognition of the need for the “community’s foundation” and their efforts to make it a reality will benefit the Lower Eastern Shore for generations to come. We continue to value the partnership and support of GSC to this day.”
-Erica Joseph, President
Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore
“The Greater Salisbury Committee not only enriches our local community, but also supports the growth and progress of our University. Through close collaboration with GSC, we foster an environment where the city and University flourish, benefiting from invaluable support, resources, and opportunities.”
Dr. Carolyn “Lyn” Ringer Lepre, President
Salisbury University
“We are blessed in Salisbury that those who have built successful businesses here have never forgotten the cultural, civic, human and collective needs of our region. This group of business leaders is called Greater Salisbury Committee and their compassion, civic spirit and aspiration for our community guarantees that we are perpetually a city on the rise.”
– Jake Day, Maryland Secretary of Housing & Community Development
Former Mayor, City of Salisbury
“Greater Salisbury Committee brought Junior Achievement to the Shore in the very early 80’s. This showcases how GSC works to identify and support what the community needs to help bring it to fruition. They truly are the backbone of the Eastern Shore.”
-Jayme Hayes, President
Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore